Recommended articles
* Albin, C. (2016). The benefit of movement: Dance/Movement Therapy and Down syndrome. Journal of Dance Education, 16:2, 58-61
* Benjamin, A. (1991). Loosing the ties that bind. Who´s integrating who? Magazine, 15.
* Benjamin, A. (1995). Unfound movement. Integration in dance training, its potential pitfalls and prizes. Dance Theatre Journal, 12, (1).
* Benjamin, A. (2015). Making an entrance into higher education. Animated library, March 32-34.
Capio, M, Mak, T. C. T, Tse M. A. & Masters, R. S. W. (2018) Fundamental movement skills and balance of children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62:3, 225–236
* Green, J. (1999). Somatic authority and the myth of the ideal body in dance education. Dance Research Journal, 31(2), 80-100.
* Haegele, J, Zhu, X & Davis, S (2018). Barriers and facilitators of physical education participation for students with disabilities: an exploratory study, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22:2, 130-141
* Harvey B (2004). Down’s syndrome: a biopsychosocial perspective. Nursing Standard. 18, 30,43-45
* Morris, M. L., Baldeon, M. & Scheuneman, D. (2015). Developing and sustaining an inclusive dance program: strategic tools and methods. Journal of Dance Education, 15:3, 122-129
* Reinders, N., Bryden, P. J & Fletcher, P. C (2015). Dancing with Down syndrome: a phenomenological case study. Research in Dance Education, 16:3, 291-307
* Avramidis, E & Norwich, B (2002) Teachers’ attitudes towards integration/inclusion: a review of the literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education,17:2, 129-147
* Ochoa, Laisvie Andrea. Revista “La Tadeo” No 7. ISSN No. 0120-5250. 2012 Pag. 103.
* Ojeda, D. (2005). Artes Escénicas y Discapacidad, Revista de Ciencias Sociales Sociedad y Utopia, 26, 35-56.
* Penagos, A. (2014). Con Cuerpos danza integrada, Revista iLetrada. No 22.
* Zúñiga, D. M. M., Rojas, W. S., & Valverde, R. (2001). Efectos de la música-danza y del refuerzo positivo en la conducta de personas con discapacidad múltiple. Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 1(1), 19-33.
Recommended books
* Bainbridge, B. (1993). Sensing feeling and action. The experiential anatomy of Body Mind Centering. Northampton: Contact Editions.
* Benjamin, A. (2002). Making an entrance. London: Routledge.
* Albright, A. C. (1997). Choreographing difference. New England: Wesleyan University Press.
* Albright, A. C., Gere, D., & David Gere. (2003). Taken by surprise. Wesleyan, America: Wesleyan University Press.
* Buckwalter, M. (2010). Composing while dancing (1ste editie). Wisconsin, America: University of Wisconsin Press.
* Cohen, B. B., Nelson, L., & Smith, N. S. (1993). Sensing, feeling, and action. Toronto, America: Contact Editions.
* Farhi, D. (1996). The breathing book. New york City, America: Henry Holt and Company.
* Goldman, D. (2010). I want to be ready: improvised dance as a practice of freedom.. Michigan, America: University of Michigan Press.
* Hartley, L. (1995). Wisdom of the body moving. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
* Heusden, B. V. & Gielen, P. (eds.) (2015) Arts Education beyond Art, Teaching Art in times of change. Valiz
* Hickey-Moody, A. (2009) Unimaginable bodies, intellectual disability, performance and becomings. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.
* Johnston, C. (2006). The improvisation game. Schiedam, Nederland: Adfo Books.
* Barratt, (1993). Dance of breath, emotional healing through integrative breathing. Example Product Manufacturer
* Karkou V., Oliver S., & Lycouris S. (2017). The Oxford handbook of dance and wellbeing. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
* Kaufman, K. (2006). Inclusive creative movement and dance. Montana University. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
* Kuppers, P. (2003). Disability and contemporary performance. Bodies on edge. New York: Routledge.
* Kuppers, P. (2013). Disability culture and community Performance. Find a strange and twisted shape. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
* Leigh Foster, S. (2010). Choreographing empathy. Kinesthesia in performance. New York: Routledge.
McHose, C., Frank, K., Godard, H., & Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences. (2006). How life moves. Schiedam, Nederland: Adfo Books.
* Nachmanovitch, S. (1990). Free play. New York City, America: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
* Pallaro (2007). The place of dance: A somatic guide to dance and dance making. Wesleyan, America: Wesleyan University Press
* Solomon, A (2012). Far away from the tree: parents, children and self identity. Simon and Schuster, New York (See for more information and details of translations)
* Tufnell, M. y Crickmay, C. (1993) Body space image. Notes towards Improvisation and Performance, London.Dance Books.
* Williams, M., Williams, M., & Penman, D. (2011). Mindfulness. London, United Kingdom : Piatkus.
* Oonk J. (2017). Unload to Upload Handleiding voor een inclusieve danspraktijk, Uitgeverij Int. Theatre & Film Books, Amsterdam
* Samaritter R., van Keulen I., & Wentholt N. (2020). Dans Theraphie, Verkenning van het werkveld, Acco uitgeverij NL bv, Den Haag
* Brugarolas, M. (2013) Corpo in divenire: espacios en movimiento. C. Contreras y C. Espada (Coords.) (2013) Guía Psicogeográfica de Roma: 16 Mapas para perderse (pp. 127-138). Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. AECID-RAER.
* Caballero, C. (2010) El movimiento diverso de los cuerpos. Cuerpos Entre Líneas. Publicación de la OFB. Citro, S.
* (Coord.). (2011). Cuerpos plurales: antropología de y desde los cuerpos. Buenos Aires: Biblos.
* Castillo, F. (2014). Arte Educación, Terapia o Libertad: Crei-Sants 1975-2000. Barcelona: Kit-Book.
* Franklin, E (2006). Danza. Acondicionemiento físico. Ed. Paidotribo.
* Fuentes, A.L. (2006). El valor pedagógico de la danza. Universidad de Valencia, Valencia.
* García, H. (1997). La danza en la escuela. Barcelona: Inde.
* Howse, J. (2000). Técnica de la danza y prevención de lesiones.,Ed. Paidotribo.
* Laban, R. (1987). El dominio del movimiento. Madrid: Fundamentos.
* Louppe, L. (2004). Poétique de la danse contemporaine (Vol. 2). Bruxelles: Contredanse.
* Ochoa, A., Caballero, C., Lagos, A., Jaramillo, N. (2011). Incluyendo al Cuerpo. Cartilla para el trabajo con niños y niñas diversos a través de la Danza Contemporánea Integrada. Bogotá, Colombia: ConCuerpos.
* Ochoa, L., Jaramillo Sanjuán, M., Lagos, A., León, D, Penagos, A. (2018). Cuerpos Potentes prácticas y reflexiones sobre el encuentro en la danza inclusiva. Cali, Colombia: Laisvie.
* Sarmiento, A. (2015). 101 Ejercicios de Danza Contemporánea para Niños y Jóvenes. Madrid: Tutor.
Online resources
* Progressing Ballet Technique –
* Can’t pick up choreography quickly? – Find out more
* Check all the inclusive art in the world! –
* Jornadas sobre la Inclusión Social y la Educación en las Artes Escénicas Find out more
* Fighting Monkey –
* Mixable Webinar: talking about inclusive performing arts (featuring Stichting Misiconi). Presented in Dutch with English subtitles – watch now
Recommended equipment
The equipment you decide to use will depend on many factors including budget, storage space and your dancer’s needs. These pieces of equipment can prove useful:
* resistance bands
* spikey ball
* small ball
* large fitness ball
Downloadable templates
Cool Down Sheet 1 – Body templates
Cool Down Sheet 2 – Individual plan
Monitoring and evaluation wheel
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.